Dance Fest
Friday, December 8th, 2023
This year we are holding our 2nd Annual Dance Fest (formally known as Walk Fest - Dancing not required). The students are excited about this year's theme, "70s Disco Dance" theme and accessories are encouraged! Big thanks to the Student Council for their help with the theme and design! Students collect donations and pledge to dance or walk around the gym for one hour. The PTO works to find sponsors to donate money for T-shirts for each student. These T-shirts will be worn on school field trips.
The money raised supports the General Fund for all the fantastic programs we provide at NTS. This is the only fundraiser that replenishes this fund throughout the school year. The kids love the excitement
of this event, and we love that it gets them moving for a great cause!
El d es una tradición de larga data en North Tahoe que se celebra cada otoño.
Los estudiantes recolectan donaciones y promesas por la cantidad de vueltas queue pueden completar alrededor de la pista en una hora. El PTO trabaja para encontrar patrocinadores que donen dinero para las camisetas de cada estudiante y para apoyar al Fondo General para todos los
increíbles programas que ofrecemos en NTS. Este es el único evento para recaudar fondos que repone este fondo durante el año escolar. ¡A los niños les encanta la emoción de este evento y nos encanta queue los mueva por una gran causa!

2022 Dance Fest Sponsors
GRACIAS Patrocinadores de Dance Fest 2022
Silver Sponsors
Tahoe City Chevron
Mountainside Irrigation & Landscape
Wilkins Construction
Widespread Landscape and Maintenance